Perennials C-E
(Feather Reed Grass)
‘Avalanche’: 1qt-
wide white ban down the center of each leaf
Height: 4ft Zones 4-9
‘Karl Foerster’: 1gal-12.99
feathery golden inflorescences
Height: 4ft Zones
CALAMINTHA (Calamint) ○◓
nepeta ‘White Cloud’: 1 gal-6.99
compact growth, tiny white flowers
Height: 18” Zone 4-7
CALLIRHOE (Poppy Mallow) ○
involucrata (Wine Cups): 1gal-7.99
2” wide cup-shaped purple flowers
Height: 12” Zones 4-7
CALTHA (Marsh Marigold) ○◓
palustris ‘Pleno’ (Double Marsh Marigold):
button-like, dense petaled blooms
Height: 6-12” Zone 3-11
CAMPANULA (Bellflower) ○◓
carpatica (Carpathian Harebell):
‘Blue Clips’: 2qt-6.99
violet blue, cup shaped flowers, uniformed clump
Height: 8” Zone 3-8
‘White Clips’: 2qt-6.99
white, cup shaped flowers, uniformed clump
Height: 8” Zone 3-8
glomerata (Clustered Bellflower):
‘Freya’: 1gal-7.99
star-shaped, lilac purple flowers
Height:12-16” Zones:3-8
‘Genti Twisterbell’: 6”sq-7.99
large clusters of blue & white bicolor flowers
Height: 22” Zones 3-9
‘Superba’: 1gal-6.99
rich purple funnel shaped flower clusters
Height: 24-30” Zone 2-9
hybrida ‘Pink Octopus’: 6” sq-7.99
bright candy pink petals; dark green foliage
Height: 10” Zones 5-9
hybrida portenschlagiana ‘Birch’: 2qt-6.99
dwarf, lavender blue bell shaped flowers
Height: 8” Zone 4-8
medium (Canterbury Bells): 1gal-6.99
‘Champion Blue’: 2qt-6.99
deep blue cup-shaped flowers
Height: 24-36” Zones 2-8
‘Champion Pink’: 2qt-6.99
candy pink cup-shaped flowers
Height: 24-36” Zones 2-8
persicifolia {Peachleaf Bellflower):
‘Alba’ : 1gal-6.99
pure white flowers on tall stems
Height: 30” Zone 3-8
‘Peach-leaved Blue’: 1gal-6.99
large, blue, bell-shaped flowers
Height 30-36” Zone 3-7
‘Takion Blue’: 1gal-6.99
about half the height of typical persicifolia
Height: 16-20” Zone 3-8
‘Takion White’: 1gal-6.99
about half the height of typical persicifolia
Height: 16-20” Zones 3-8
poscharskyana (Serbian Bellflower)
‘Blue Waterfall’: 2qt-7.99
tidy mat of green leaves, blue, starlike flowers
Height: 8” Zone 4-7
‘Samantha’: 2qt-7.99
showy, compact blue flowers, heart shaped leaves
Height: 6-8” Zone 5-8
punctata (Spotted Bellflower):
‘Cherry Bells’: 1gal-6.99
pendulous cherry-red to dusky-rose bellflowers
Height: 12-24” Zones 5-9
‘Sarastro’: 1gal-7.99
large, icy grape flowers dangle from tall stems
Height: 18” Zone 3-8
‘Silver Bells’: 1gal-6.99
fragrant lavender pink bellflowers
Height: 12-15” Zones 4-7
rotundifolia (Harebell):
‘Thumbell Blue’: 2qt-6.99
improved form of wild Bluebells-of-Scotland
Height: 10-12” Zones 2-9
CARYOPTERIS (Bluebeard) ○◓
clandonensis (Blue Mist)
‘Dark Knight’: 1gal-9.99
the darkest blue flowers of the Bluebeards
Height: 3-4’ Zone 5-9
‘Grand Bleu’: 1gal-9.99
glossy foliage; deep blue flowers
Height: 23-25” Zones 5-9
‘Longwood Blue’: 1gal-9.99
silvery foliage; sky blue flowers
Height: 18-24” Zones 5-9
CENTAUREA (Cornflower) ○◓
dealbata (Persian Cornflower): 1gal-6.99
felty gray foliage w/pink star like flowers
Height: 30-36” Zone 3-8
montana (Mountain Bluet): 1gal-7.99
blue flowers with fringed margins
Height: 18-24” Zone 3-8
montana ‘Amethyst in Snow’: 1gal-9.99
pure white petals around purple center
Height: 14” Zone 3-8
montana ‘Black Sprite’: 1gal-7.99
striking purplish black flowers
Height: 14” Zones 3-9
CENTRANTHUS ○◓ (Red Valerian, Jupiter’s Beard)
ruber: 2qt-6.99
fragrant, tiny carmine-rose florets, showy heads
Height: 24-36” Zone 4-8
CERASTIUM (Snow in Summer) ○◓
tomentosum: 4.5”-4.99; 2qt-6.99
woolly gray foliage with pure white flowers
Height: 4-6” Zone 3-7
(Plumbago; Leadwort)
plumbaginoides: 1qt-4.99; 6”sq-6.99
tiny blue flowers, bronzy red fall foliage
Height: 8-12” Zone 5-9
CHELONE (Turtlehead) ○◓●
lyonii ‘Hot Lips’ (Pink Turtlehead): 1gal-7.99
rosy pink turtle head like flowers; red stems
Height: 24-30” Zone 4-9
lyonii ‘Tiny Tortuga’: 1gal-7.99
clusters of dark pink turtle-head flowers
Height: 11-15” Zones 3-8
obliqua (Rose Turtlehead): 6”sq/1gal-7.99
dark lilac-pink flowers load the stem with buds
Height: 36-40” Zone 4-9
obliqua ‘Alba’ (White Turtlehead): 1gal-7.99
white tubular flowers on sturdy stems
Height: 26” Zone 4-9
‘Clara Curtis’: 1gal-7.99
deep pink daisies with yellow eye
Height: 23-29” Zones: 3-9
CHRYSOGONUM ○◓●(Green & Gold)
virginianum ‘Pierre’: 1qt-4.99; 6”sq-7.99
low-growing ground cover; yellow flowers
Height: 4-6” Zones 5-9
CIMICIFUGA (syn. ACTAEA) ○◓ (Bugbane)
ramosa ‘Atropurpurea’: 1gal-12.99
purple green foliage, arching bottlebrush blooms
Height: 3-5’ Zone 3-9
ramosa ‘Brunette’: 1gal-12.99
purple black foliage, bottlebrush flowers
Height: 3-4’ Zone 3-9
ramosa ‘Chocoholic’: 1gal-12.99
fragrant, mauve-pink bottlebrush flowers
Height: 4-5’ Zones 4-8
ramosa ‘Hillside Black Beauty’: 12.99
dark purplish-black foliage, bottlebrush blooms
Height: 4-7’ Zone 4-8
ramosa ‘James Compton’: 1gal-12.99
very fragrant white flowers
Height: 32” Zone: 4
ramosa ‘Pink Spike’: 1gal-12.99
bronze black foliage, pink bottlebrush blooms
Height: 4-5’ Zone 3-9
simplex ‘White Pearl’: 1gal-12.99
creamy white bottlebrush blooms, green leaves
Height: 5-6 Zone 4-9
CONVALLARIA ○◓●(Lily of the Valley)
majalis: 6”sq-7.99;
stems are loaded with small white flowers
Height: 6-8” Zone 2-8
majalis ‘Bordeaux’: 6”sq-7.99
very fragrant white bell-shaped flowers
Height: 6-8” Zones 2-7
rosea: 6”sq-7.99
stems are loaded with small pink flowers
Height: 6-8” Zone 2-8
COREOPSIS (Tickseed) ○◓
‘Nana’: 1gal-6.99
dwarf variety; rich golden yellow flowers
Height: 5-9” Zones 4-8
grandiflora ( & hybrids):
‘Baby Sun’: 2qt-6.99
bicolor flowers with yellow and brownish-red eye
Height: 12-18” Zones 4-9
‘Citrine’: 1gal-7.99
bright yellow flowers and darker golden eye
Height: 6-8” Zone 5-9
x ‘Jethro Tull’: 1gal-7.99
brilliant golden yellow flowers with fluted petals
Height: 18” Zone 4-9
‘Mercury Rising’ (Big Bang Series): 1gal-7.99
velvety wine red flowers: long bloom season
Height: 15-18” Zone 5-9
‘Presto’: 1gal-6.99
dwarf habit; 2” wide double yellow flowers
Height: 6-8” Zones 4-9
‘Solana Golden Sphere’: 1gal-7.99
fluffy golden-yellow pom-pom flowers
Height: 10-18” Zones 4-9
‘Sun Up’: 1gal-6.99
early blooming; semi-double yellow flowers
Height: 10-12” Zones 4-9
pubescens (Downy Coreopsis):
‘Sunshine Superman’: 1gal-6.99
Golden yellow flowers; fuzzy green leaves
Height: 10-12” Zone
‘American Dream’: 1gal-6.99
pink flowers, finely textured foliage
Height: 12-18” Zone 3-10
‘Sweet Dreams’: 1gal-6.99
Bicolor flowers (white & red)
Height: 18-34” Zone 5-8
verticillata (Threadleaf):
‘Bengal Tiger’: 1gal-7.99
starry red and gold flowers
Height: 18-20” Zones 5-9
‘Crème Brulee’: 1gal-7.99
soft yellow blooms, compact foliage
Height: 16-20” Zone 5-9
‘Electric Avenue’: 1gal-7.99
true yellow flowers (larger than ‘Moonbeam’)
Height: 15-18”
‘Heaven’s Gate’: 1gal-7.99
blush pink flowers, red eye
Height: 18-24” Zone 5-9
‘Main Street’: 1gal-7.99
rich deep rose colored flower
Height: 15-18” Zones 5-8
‘Moonbeam’: 1gal-6.99
bright lemon yellow flowers, airy foliage
Height: 18-24” Zone 4-9
‘Red Satin’: 1gal-7.99
deep wine-red flowers
Height: 15-18” Zones 5-9
‘Route 66”: 1gal-7.99
bright yellow with dominant red eye
Height: 24-28” Zone-4-8
‘Sienna Sunset’: 1gal-7.99
rich burnt sienna colored blooms
Height: 16-20” Zone 5-9
‘Sweet Dreams’: 1gal-6.99
raspberry & white (bicolor) flowers
Height: 12-18” Zones 4-9
‘Tweety’: 1gal-6.99
bright yellow flowers; long seaon of bloom
Height:14-16” Zones 5-9
‘Zagreb’: 1gal-6.99
bright golden yellow blooms, needle like foliage
Height: 15” Zone 4-9
CROCOSMIA (Montbretia) ○◓
‘Lucifer’: 1gal-7.99
intense red color blooms, long lasting
Height: 36-42” Zone 5-9
‘Orange Pekoe’: 1gal-7.99
tri-colored flowers (orange, yellow, & red)
Height: 24-30” Zones
masonorum: 2qt-7.99
bright orange-red upright flowers
Height: 31-36” Zones 5-9
DELOSPERMA (Hardy Ice Plant) ○◓
‘Fire Spinner’: 1qt-6.99; 2qt-7.99
fast spreading; shocking color combination
Height: 2-3” Zones 5-8
‘Jewel of Desert Peridot’: 1qt-6.99
bright yellow flowers with white inner halo
Height: 4-6” Zones 4-9
‘Jewel of Desert Ruby’: 1qt-6.99
deep red flowers with white inner halo
Height: 4-6” Zones 4-9
‘Mesa Verde’: 1qt-6.99; 2qt-7.99
irridescent, salmon-pink flowers
Height: 2” Zone 4-8
DELPHINIUM (Larkspur) ○◓
All varieties (unless otherwise noted):
1qt-4.99; 2qt/1gal-6.99
x elatum (Pacific Giant Hybrids):
tall spikes of lavender-pink flowers (dark bee)
Height: 4-6 ft Zones 3-9
‘Black Knight’
tall spikes of midnight blue flowers (dark bee)
Height: 4-6 ft Zones 3-9
‘Blue Bird’
tall spikes of mid-blue flowers (white bee)
Height: 4-6 ft Zones 3-9
tall spikes of pure white flowers
Height: 4-6 ft Zones 3-9
‘Guardian Early Blue’
tall spikes of double blue flowers
Height: 3-4 ft Zones 3-7
tall spikes of lavender-pink flowers (white bee)
Height; 4-6 ft Zones 3-9
‘King Arthur’
tall spikes of royal-violet flowers (white bee)
Height: 4-6 ft Zones 3-9
New Millenium Hybrids:
‘Pagan Purples’: 1gal-7.99
tall dark blue, deep purple to mauve flower spikes
Height: 3-5 ft Zones 3-9
‘Pink Punch’ : 1gal-7.99
deep rich mulberry pink flower spikes
Height: 3-5 ft Zones 3-9
‘Purple Passion’ : 1gal-7.99
intense deep purple (white bee) flower spikes
Height: 3-5 ft Zones 3-9
grandiflorum ‘Blue Butterfly’: 2qt/6”sq-6.99
dozens of deep blue flowers
Height: 12-14” Zones 4-9
DIANTHUS (Pinks, Carnations) ○◓
x allwoodii (Border Pinks):
‘Angel of Desire’: 1gal-7.99
dark pink petals with a light pink center
Height: 6-8” Zones 5-9
‘Constant Beauty’: 1gal-9.99
fragrant pink flowers; early spring to fall
Height: 6-10” Zones 3-10
‘Coral Reef’: 1gal-7.99
fragrant large double coral blooms edged in white
Height: 8-10” Zones 5-9
‘Eternity’: 1gal-7.99
frilly rose-pink flowers with a darker eye
Height: 6-10” Zones 5-9
‘Raspberry Surprise’: 1gal-7.99
fragrant pink double flowers with a burgundy eye
Height: 6-10” Zones 3-8
‘Frosty Fire’: 1gal-6.99
fragrant bright cherry red double flowers
Height: 6-10” Zones 3-8
barbatus (Sweet William):
‘Barbarini Picotee Purple’: 1gal-6.99
dwarf; clusters of fragrant purple & white flowers
Height: 8-10” Zones 3-8
‘Barbarini Red’: 1gal-6.99
dwarf; showy clusters of fragrant red flowers
Height: 8-10” Zones 3-8
‘Barbarini Red Picotee’: 1gal-6.99
dwarf; clusters of fragrant red & white bicolored
Height: 8-10” Zones 3-8
‘Barbarini Rose’: 1gal-6.99
dwarf; showy clusters of fragrant rose flowers
Height: 8-10” Zones 3-8
‘Firewitch’: 1gal-6.99
bright hot pink single flowers, blue gray foliage
Height: 6-8” Zone 5-9
‘Pomegranate Kiss’: 1gal-7.99
deep velvety red, fragrant, double flowers
Height: 6” Zone 4-9
‘Rosebud’: 1gal-7.99
masses of salmon-pink, rosebud-like flowers
Height: 12” Zones 5-9
‘Tiny Rubies’: 1gal-6.99
double, deep rose-pink, clove fragrance
Height: 4-5” Zone 3-9
‘Wicked Witch’: 1gal-7.99
clove-scented, cherry pink flowers
Height: 6” Zone 3
plumarius (Cottage Pinks; Garden Pinks):
‘Fire Star’: 1gal-7.99
vivid fire red flowers have a deeper crimson eye
Height: 8” Zone 5-9
‘Neon Star’: 1gal-7.99
vibrant, florescent pink flowers, compact foliage
Height: 7” Zone 5-9
DICENTRA (Bleeding Heart) ○◓
eximia (x formosa) ‘Luxuriant’: 1gal-7.99
red, heart-shaped blooms blue green foliage
Height: 12-15 Zone 3-9
eximia (x formosa) ‘Snowdrift’: 1gal-7.99
white, heart-shaped blooms, gray green foliage
Height: 12-15” Zone 3-9
‘King of Hearts’: 1ga-7.99
rosy pink flowers; vigorous grower
Height: 12-15” Zones 3-9
spectabilis (Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart):
pink and white heart-shaped flowers
Height: 24-36” Zones 3-9
‘Alba’: 2gal-9.99
white, heart shaped flowers, cut, lobed leaves
Height: 24-36” Zone 3-9
x ‘Gold Heart’: 1gal-9.99
pink, heart shaped flowers, golden foliage
Height: 24-36” Zone 3-9
‘Pink’: 2gal-9.99
pink, heart shaped flowers, cut, lobed leaves
Height: 30-36” Zone 3-9
DICTAMNUS (Gas Plant) ○
albus ‘Albiflorus’: 1gal-7.99
white open flaring 6-petal flowers; aromatic leaves
Height: 23-35” Zones 2-9
albus ‘Purpureus’: 1gal-7.99
spidery-looking mauve-pink flowers
Height: 23-35” Zones 2-9
DIGITALIS (Foxglove) ○◓
‘Camelot Cream’: 1gal-6.99
cream colored flowers
Height: 3-4 ft Zones 5-9
‘Camelot Lavender’: 1gal-6.99
white w/lavender shading and burgundy spotting
Height: 3-4 ft Zones 4-9
‘Camelot Rose’: 1gal-6.99
deep rose pink flowers, burgundy interior spotting
Height: 3-4 ft Zones 4-9
‘Candy Mountain’: 1gal-6.99
upward-facing rose-pink blossoms
Height: 3-4ft Zones 4-9
‘Pam’s Choice Split’: 1gal-6.99
white bells (deep burgundy speckled throats)
Height: 3-4 ft Zones 4-9
‘Snowy Mountain’: 1gal-6.99
snowy white flowers with purple spotted throats
Height: 36-56” Zones 4-8
‘Sahara’: 1gal-6.99
yellow flowers with bronzy-orange throats
Height: 24-36” Zone 6-9
DORONICUM (Leopard’s Bane) ○◓
‘Little Leo’: 6”sq/2qt/1gal-6.99
vibrant, bright yellow semi-double blooms
Height: 12-18” Zone 4-7
‘Magnificum’: 6”sq/2 qt/1gal-6.99
vibrant, yellow daisy like flowers
Height: 14” Zone 4-8
ECHINACEA (Purple Coneflower) ○◓
‘Burgundy Fireworks’: 1gal-9.99
compact hybrid; deep beet-red flowers
Height: 16-18” Zones 5-7
‘Cheyenne Spirit”: 1gal-7.99
flowers in a mixed range of colors
Height: 22-30” Zones 4-9
‘Cleopatra’: 1gal-9.99
dwarf; bright yellow flower with orange cone
Height: 15-18” Zones 5-9
‘Coconut Lime’: 1gal-9.99
first ever double-flowered white Echinacea
Height: 24-30” Zone 5-9
‘Green Envy’: 1gal-9.99
opens pale green matures to magenta
Height:30-36” Zone 4-9
‘Green Jewel’: 1gal-9.99
fragrant, light green flowers; green cone
Height: 20-24” Zones 3-8
‘Harvest Moon’: 1gal-9.99
fragrant bright golden flowers
Height: 24-30” Zone 3-8
‘Hot Papaya’: 1gal-9.99
Sizzling, red orange, double cones
Height: 30-32” Zone 4
‘Julia’: 1gal-9.99
dwarf; vivid tangerine orange flowers
Height: 15-18” Zones 5-9
‘Magnus’: 1gal-6.99
rose-pink ray petals (coppery-brown cone center)
Height: 36” Zone 3-8
‘Magnus Superior’: 1gal-7.99
improved ‘Magnus’; deeper lavender coloration
Height: 36-40” Zones 3-8
‘Meringue’: 1gal-9.99
double white pom-pom coneflowers
Height: 18” Zones 3-8
‘Milkshake’: 1gal-9.99
french vanilla colored, double flowers
Height: 30-32” Zone 4-8
‘Pow Wow White’: 1gal-6.99
clean white petals; yellow-brown center cone
Height: 2-3ft Zones3-8
‘Pow Wow Wild Berry’: 1gal-6.99
rose-purple rays; orange-brown center cones
Height: 2-3ft Zones 3-8
‘Pink Double Delight’ : 1gal-9.99
fluffy, pink doubled-flowers
Height: 24-28” Zone 5-9
‘Prairie Splendor ’: 1gal-7.99
deep rose cone flower
Height: 24-36” Zones 3-8
‘Primadonna White’: 1gal-7.99
large, pure white petals, dark center
Height: 24-36” Zone 4-8
‘Purple Emperor’: 1gal-9.99
magenta-purple petals, orange-brown cone
Height: 14-18” Zones 4-9
‘Ruby Giant’: 1gal-9.99
large, bold, dark ruby-pink flowers
Height: 24-30” Zones 3-9
‘Ruby Star’ (‘Rubinstern’): 1gal-7.99
flat heads of magenta-red daisies
Height: 30-36” Zone 3-9
‘Sombrero Adobe Orange’: 1gal-9.99
large orange flowers with rust brown center cone
Height: 23-25” Zones 4-9
‘Sombrero Flamenco Orange’: 1gal-9.99
large orange-red flowers with brown center cone
Height: 23-25” Zones 4-9
‘Sombrero Hot Coral’: 1gal-9.99
bright coral flowers with dark center cone
Height: 22-26” Zones 5-9
‘Sombrero Lemon Yellow’: 1gal-9.99
vibrant lemon-yellow flowers; dark center cone
Height: 22-26” Zones 5-9
‘Sombrero Salsa Red’: 1gal-9.99
brilliant, rich orange-red flowers
Height: 22-24” Zones 4-9
‘Sombrero Sandy Yellow’: 1gal-9.99
bright yellow petals surround brown center cone
Height: 18-24” Zones 4-9
‘Vintage Wine’: 1gal-9.99
non-drooping purple-red petals
Height: 18-24” Zones 3-9
‘Virgin’: 1gal-9.99
clear white petals with mossy green cone
Height: 20-24” Zones 3-9
‘White Double Delight’: 1gal-7.99
re-blooming crisp white double flowers
Height: 18-24” Zones 5-9
‘White Swan’: 6″sq/1gal-6.99
pure white ray petals reflex downward, classic
Height: 30-36” Zone 3-8
ECHINOPS (Globe Thistle) ○◓
ritro: 1qt-4.99; 6″sq/2qt./1gal-6.99
ball-shaped blue flowers; silvery pointed foliage
Height: 4 ft Zones 3-9
ritro ‘Veitch’s Blue’: 1gal-6.99
blue, golf ball-shaped blooms
Height: 36-42” Zones 3-8
‘Artic Glow’: 1qt-4.99; 1gal-6.99
ball-shaped silvery-white flowers
Height: 31-35” Zones 2-7
ECHIUM (Red Feathers) ○◓
amoenum: 1gal-6.99
feathery spikes of russet-red florets
Height: 10-14” Zones 3-9
EPIMEDIUM ○◓● (Barrenwort; Bishop’s Hat)
x cantabrigiense: 6”sq-7.99
evergreen groundcover; variable colored foliage
Height: 12-24” Zones 4-8
x rubrum (Red Barrenwort): 2qt-7.99
good groundcover for shady areas; red flowers
Height: 6-12” Zones 5-9
x versicolor sulphureum: 6”sq-7.99
groundcover; short-spurred yellow flowers
Height: 8-12” Zones 5-9
ERIGERON (Fleabane) ○◓
‘Prosperity’: 1gal-7.99
large, profuse, daisy like lavender/blue flowers
Height: 18” Zone 4-8
ERYNGIUM (Sea Holly) ○
planum ‘Blue Diamond’: 1gal-7.99
silver-blue flowers with metallic sheen
Height: 15-18” Zone 4-9
fortunei (Wintercreeper) ‘Coloratus’: 1gal-6.99
hardy, evergreen, clinging vine
Height: 12-15” Zone 4-10
EUPATORIUM (Joe Pye Weed) ○◓
fortunei ‘Pink Frost’: 1gal-9.99
variegated green& yellow foliage; pink blooms
Height: 29-35” Zones 4-9
maculatum ‘Atropurpureum’: 1gal-6.99
fragrant panicles of violet-purple flowers
Height: 6-8 ft Zones 3-9
maculatum ‘Gateway’: 1gal-7.99
gorgeous lavender purple blooms, red stems
Height: 5-7’ Zone 4-8
dubium ‘Baby Joe’: 1gal-7.99
magenta-pink bloom, dark green foliage
Height: 27-30” Zone 4-9
rugosum ‘Chocolate’: 22-24”1gal-7.99
creamy, white flowers purple-brown foliage
Height: 30-36” Zone 5-9
EUPHORBIA (Spurge) ○◓
amygdaloides (Wood Spurge):
‘Purpurea’ (Purple Wood Spurge): 1gal-7.99
burgundy-purple foliage; greenish-yellow flowers
Height: 12-18” Zones 5-9
polychroma (Cushion Spurge): 1gal-7.99
chrome-yellow bracts, pale yellow flowers
Height: 12-18” Zone 4-8
‘Blackbird’: 1gal-7.99
dark purple foliage; chartreuse flowers
Height: 24” Zone 6
‘Bonfire’: 1gal-7.99
deep purple, red, and orange leaves, yellow bracts
Height: 18” Zone 5-9